Stefano Rosso

Stefano Rosso, MD
Piedmont Cancer Registry, Former Director
Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Italy
Stefano Rosso was the Director of the Piedmont Cancer Registry, Italy, until 2021, and a specialist in Public Health.
After graduation in medicine in 1981, he trained at the University of Turin in Epidemiology with Prof. Benedetto Terracini, in particular studying those aspects linked to occupational and environmental exposure. Later on, he was in Montreal at McGill University with Prof. Renaldo Battista training on Clinical Epidemiology, where he graduated with a Master of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
He was one of the founders of the Italian Association of Cancer Registries (AIRTum) serving on its Board for several years, where he had the opportunity to coordinate nationwide publications on survival, incidence, and mortality for more than a decade.
Being the author of several scientific works in descriptive epidemiology he conducted research on screening evaluation and the aetiology of skin tumours. The latter was in cooperation with international consortia such as GEM (Gene-Environment Melanoma), and Helios (melanoma, and carcinoma of the skin). He was among the authors of papers from the Eurocare Consortium and the Eurocourse Project.
In 2009 he was appointed Professor of Biostatistics and Statistical Models at the Course of Specialization in Hospital Pharmacology of the University of Turin, until retirement in 2021.
Being an elected member of the ENCR (European Network of Cancer Registries) Steering Committee, he was nominated Chairman of this organization from 2011 to 2014. He served as the Treasurer of the International Association of Cancer Registries from 2014 to 2020.
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