- Name: Spitale Alessandra
- Current institution: Ticino Screening Program Center, Ticino Cancer Registry, via Antonio Ciseri 10, CH-6600 Locarno
- Email:
- Biosketch:
2013 onwards
Head of Ticino Screening Program Center
Management of Ticino breast and colorectal cancer screening programs
Ticino Screening Program Center, Ticino Cancer Registry, via Antonio Ciseri 10, CH-6600 Locarno
Dependent worker of the Republic of Canton Ticino, Switzerland
2006 -2013
Statistician, Scientific Collaborator of Ticino Cancer Registry
Record-linkage procedures, quality control methodologies and statistical analysis of incidence, mortality and
survival data
Ticino Cancer Registry, Cantonal Institute of Pathology, via in Selva 24, CH-6600 Locarno
Dependent worker of the Republic of Canton Ticino, Switzerland
2004 -2006
Data-management, record-linkage procedures, quality control methodologies and statistical analysis in
experimental studies (randomized clinical trials)
Sorin Group, Clinical Research of Cardiac Surgery Business Unit, Saluggia (VC), Italy
Dependent worker
Data management and record-linkage procedures
Statistical analysis of incidence, mortality, survival data
Quality indicators computation
Piedmont Cancer Registry, Azienda Sanitaria Ospedaliera San Giovanni Battista di Torino. Via S. Francesco da
Paola, 31 - 10100 Torino, Italy
Dependent worker
Education and training
SAS Macro Language
SAS programming language
SAS Institute srl. Training Service, Milan, Italy.
Statistics 2 / Analysis of variance and regression
SAS programming language
SAS Institute srl. Training Service, Milan, Italy.
Training course of basic epidemiology
Piedmont Network of Epidemiology Services, Turin, Italy
Degree in Statistics
Thesis title: “Statistical methods for the analysis of relative survival: an application at Piedmont Cancer Registry”
University of Turin.
20th Course of statistical methodology for the basic and applied research in Biology
Italian Society of Biometry, Department of Statistics. Florence, Italy
© 2024 Fondo Elena Moroni Via San Secondo 25, 10128 Torino, Italy info@fondoelenamoroni.org