About us
ASERT, a foundation housed in Turin, Italy, supports cancer research, by contributing to training medical doctors and researchesr, sponsoring scientific publications and promoting international cultural exchanges in oncology, particularly cancer epidemiology. The aims of the ASERT may also include personal and social themes linked to the experience of cancer patients and their families.
Presently, the ASERT carries out three main activities.
- The ASERT sets out the activities of the Fondo Elena Moroni. The Fondo was established in memory of Elena Moroni Zanetti, a sociologist from Milan, who died prematurely from a brain tumour.
- It supports the activities of the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR) nested within the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon.
- It supports and organises the Prize named after Enrico Anglesio (1908-2003), rewarded to a young researcher for an original piece of work presented at the Scientific meeting of the IACR.
ASERT includes in its mission, as per its constitution, the possibility to cooperate with any public and private institution in the field of cancer research, prevention and treatment. The Fondo can receive contributions from other organisations and private donors and is financially administered according to the laws regulating non-profit organisations.
© 2025 Fondo Elena Moroni Via San Secondo 25, 10128 Torino, Italy info@fondoelenamoroni.org